Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My get rich slowly plan

My first novel “Heavenly Hash” is now available on Amazon’s Kindle.
Only $2.99.
If everyone who reads this blog buys it, I’ll make twenty bucks.
I believe one can install a free app of Kindle on one’s computer.
Hello? Is anybody out there?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The cat wears a fur coat

As obvious as that may seem, my wife doesn’t quite get it.
The cat sleeps up on a shelf in my studio quite a bit of the time.
I was working in there yesterday, when my darling wife walked in, glanced at the cat, and said, ”It’s a little cool in here, you should turn the heat up.
I pointed out that I was wearing only a T-shirt and I was fine.
Her response was immediate.
She said, “I don’t care about you. I don’t want Jessie to go sleep in our bedroom. She’ll get hair all over the bedspread.”
When I pointed out that Jessie was plenty warm, because she wore a fur coat — all the time. My darling wife left, walked to the bedroom and closed the bedroom door.
I’m sure she was joking.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Zapata’s. Really funny word

I was conversing with a good friend in Spanish yesterday. Which is fairly amazing because I don’t speak, read, or write Spanish. Anyway, the word Zapata’s came up.
Reading it on paper brings a smile, doesn’t it?
Yes, it does.
And saying it aloud is joyful.
As in viva Zapata’s!
Go ahead, say Zapata’s out loud and try not to smile. You can’t.
Yes, I know it means shoes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Uncle. Funny word

Uncle Frank? Great guy, right? Uncle Joe is as good as they come, probably.
Uncle Tom? Ehh, not so much. Too much historical baggage.
But the word uncle by itself? Man, that’s an ugly word.
Sounds like something one might get on one’s large intestine. They would have to operate and remove a foot and a half your digestive tract. And you’d never be able to eat cheeseburgers again.
“I’m sorry, sir. You have a dangerous uncle on your large intestine, and we have to operate. If we don’t, you’ll never be able to ride a bicycle again. And your breath will smell really bad.
We need a better word for everybody’s uncle.