Thursday, August 2, 2012

What’s with list makers?

My wife loves lists of things to be done.
The only thing she loves more than lists, is checking things off the list after she’s done them.
This is especially exciting two days before a long vacation. The list is long, sometimes as long as the vacation. The pace is rapid, verging on frantic, and the joy of that little check mark on each item is close to indescribable.
I am occasionally sucked into the vortex. And I try to do my part. Not as joyfully as my wife, mind you, but I’m in there, hackin’.
Fortunately, my part of the list is miniscule compared to hers. And in the end things generally work out for us.

But, man, do I hate lists.

1 comment:

  1. Being an avid and near obsessive list maker myself, I recently started trying to force myself to stop making lists. It is not going so well considering I have a list sitting right next to me on my desk right now. Five things on it to do for today and only one of them crossed off. Let me tell you- crossing off that one felt really good. I think it is the scatterbrained nature in me that is drawn to lists, order and organization as means of trying to focus.

    Love the blog!

    Here is a link to mine:
