Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wrinkled tattoos and a good night’s sleep

I drove from Albuquerque to Los Angeles recently.  I stopped in Needles, California for the night and was shocked at how hard some of our smaller towns have been hit by our economic downturn.  I didn’t actually count, but the empty or boarded up stores seemed to out-number the stores still in business.
When I pulled into one of the few Motor Inns still open there were a dozen or so motorcycles parked at the entrance.  I thought about trying to find another motel to get a better night’s sleep, but the trip back through that hard hit town just felt too depressing.
When I opened the door the backs of a dozen or so black leather jackets greeted me.  And their mass hid the desk completely.  They were just checking in and the clerk was having a hard time with their reservations so it was taking a long time.  I got to chatting with a few of the gang while we waited.
They were all Vietnam Vets and were looking forward to a big party at the local VFW Hall just up the road.  Their bellies had seen better days and their tattoos had developed a few extra wrinkles, but they were fun to talk to.  They asked me if I was a vet and invited me to join them.  Not being a vet, I declined.
To top it off, when I went to my room, black leather jackets were going into rooms on either side of me.  We smiled and nodded and I went to sleep early expecting to hear them whooping and hollering their way back to their rooms at some later point.  Turns out, I didn’t hear a peep all night.
What’s this world coming to when you can’t even get a good story out of a biker gang?  And who wants to hear about a good night’s sleep?

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