Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bendouski page four

  “Oh holy crap!” Scott frantically started the car, slammed it in reverse, and backed out of the way just as the Hummer cleared the driveway and roared across the road. The big guy’s Hummer skidded to a stop, almost careening over the edge.
Scott yelled out the window at the guy from about thirty feet away. “Now that is a felony, you jerk. You tried to kill me.”
Enraged, the big guy came flying out of his Hummer and charged down the road. As he closed in, Scott backed up twenty more feet and hollered out his window, “You’re making a big mistake, buddy. This won’t end well for either one of us.”
The guy stopped for a breath and charged Scott again.  Scott threw the car into reverse and backed up a little more. He saw the guy run a few more feet, grab his chest, choke out a horrible whine, stagger three more steps, and stumble to his knees.
 The guy gasped, clutched his left arm, and fell face first on the pavement.
“Ahh jeez.” Scott ran to the guy. “Take it easy, Rambo. Just lie still, I’ll call the paramedics.” Scott dialed 911 on his cell phone.
After a beat, 911 answered. “Yeah, heart attack, Canyon Road, at the top.” He patted the big guy. “What’s your address?”
All the big guy could do was gasp.

“He’s lying in the street, you can’t miss him. At the very top, yes, right at the switchback. We need an ambulance up here fast. He looks really bad. Yeah, yeah, I’ll wait.”

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